The event is a week long affair which goes on prior to the weekend Indian Market exhibition. During the weekdays there are previews and awards given out with about $100,000 in prize money to be won. Functions that go on during Indian Market include the Friday night press reception, the best of show announcement, a sneak preview of award winning art and a silent auction. Also, the Native Cinema Showcase event is a celebration of film by indigenous directors, producers, writers, actors and cultural activists. The Indian market gala usually takes place at the La Fonda Hotel on the plaza, Santa Fe's oldest hotel. SWAIA also gives out lifetime achievement awards during the weekend event. Another terrrific Indian Market event is the clothing contest held on Sunday morning from 9A-Noon. Children and adults model contemporary and traditional Native American clothing. It's also a great photo opportunity. Entertainment is also presented on the Plaza Stage from 1-4P during the weekend. The artists display and sell their work from booths all around the plaza, which itself is a National Historic Landmark, and adjacent streets. Typically featured are pottery, jewelery, textile weavings, paintings, sculptures, beadwork, basketry, and a variety of other traditional and contemporary art.

Indian Market has grown so much over the years that Native Americans throughout the United States are represented. It's my understanding that it is the largest single event in this country for exhibiting and selling Native American art. Many of the artists have attended the Institute for American Indian Arts..The next date for Indian Market in Santa Fe is the weekend of August 18-19, 2012 with other events held the weekdays prior.
While in Santa Fe during August you may also want to attend the Santa Fe Opera which also attracts people each year from around the country. You'll also be able to visit the many many galleries in Santa Fe including those on the world famous Canyon Road. If you're looking for great restaurants you'll also find these in Santa Fe and there are very good restaurants available to fit any type travel budget. I think you'll find this event a lot of fun for the entire family. Another transportation plus is the New Mexico Rail Runner which can whisk you up to Santa Fe inexpensively and in comfort from the Albuquerque area.
Indian market is a world renown event and you'll no doubt see people in attendance from all over the globe. If possible try to book your hotel early. (Photos public domain and author's private collection)